Tek465B Website

Welcome to my website!!! here is a short description of what you can find

Tek465B System Monitor is a Small Windows application made in C Sharp to send text including system hardware information to a 16x02 or 20x02 LCD controlled by Arduino/Matrix microncontroller.

Dave Weyer 3 Transistor Hendrix Fuzz is an interestion electronic circuit made by Dave Weyer for Jimi Hendrix

Midi USB BPM Display is a small 7 Segment LED display that display the BPM from midi clock signal

UT99 ACE Anti-Cheat Database is used to import player logs generated by ACE anticheat for the game unreal tournament into a mysql database and search by ip, hash, hardware id.

Stepper Motor Driver is a Arduino code to run Unipolar 2 + 2Phase stepper motor driver(mitsumi M42SP-7) using ULN2003 Motor Driver and DigiSpark AtTiny85 at a set RPM using 4.28:1 gear ratio

CTP Oscillator Code is the 3 phase oscillator code for the WAYNE CHORA-TONE PROJECTOR by JC Maillet

Room weather monitor logger is a temperature and humidity monitor and logger using ESP8266 websocket and javascript

My Github: github.com/Tek465B/

Use the link on the left for source/download/demo and more information.

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